- Procrastination: (I never procrastinate)
- Indecision, difficulty recalling and organizing details required for a task (not bloody likely...this kid knows what she wants and how to get it)
- Poor time management, losing track of time (um...no....)
- Avoiding tasks or jobs that require sustained attention (well...a little..but only for icky jobs)
- Difficulty initiating tasks (see above response)
- Difficulty completing and following through on tasks (and...see above response)
- Difficulty multitasking (hell no)
- Difficulty shifting attention from one task to another (well dudes...that's my frickin problem...I can't STOP shifting my attention today!)
So plththth...I do not have this...but wait...there's the symptoms for hyperactivity somethingorother....
- Chooses highly active, stimulating jobs (well yeah...otherwise it would be boring as shit)
- Avoids situations with low physical activity or sedentary work (like what, I don't understand??)
- May choose to work long hours or two jobs (all the freaks I work with work 10 hours a day...so what?)
- Seeks constant activity (uh...yeah...)
- Easily bored (shut up)
- Impatient (who me? blush....)
- Intolerant to frustration, easily irritated (depends on how stupid some jack ass is being)
- Impulsive, snap decisions and irresponsible behaviors (blush...heh heh...ugh)
- Loses temper easily, angers quickly (I don't stay mad long..the sound of people laughing at me usually brings me back down to earth...whaaat????)
Well, according to Wikipedia, I have issues...but it ain't AADD!! HA!
And I didn't see anything there explaining why I can't see to focus today...that sucks.....oh well....
oh look....shiiiiny.....