Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Peanut Butter and Banana

I am cranky.

I'm not sure when it happened or what exactly sent me all the way over the edge and into the abitchybyss...but I'm here.

It may have started with the drive to work, which sucked ass. First bit of winter we've had so far, and honestly I have no business complaining...I've driven in worse. We've got sleet and wind, rain and snow...leaving slushy, icy, messy roads, poor visibility and extra cautious drivers. So I'm not sure that is the sole reason for my burning desire to choke someone...but it took me longer to actually arrive at trailer city, so I'm thinking that may have contributed.

When I sat down at my little piece of heaven here, I got to read BIL's he remains innocent.

There was lots of tea...that wasn't it.

However, things that normally wouldn't irritate me are REALLY bugging the shit out of me today. And things that do normally irritate me have me fighting a complete meltdown. And there are 2 people not returning my!!!


And its not like I can go outside and take a deep breath...its only a miserable reminder that my drive home will also suck ass.


So its peanut butter and banana sandwich. Comfort food... Almost as good as those tiny little happy pills... Almost as good as a wodka.

And a vent....

I feel better :)