We are having a Christmas Potluck lunch here at work today.....
So here I sit, in my little corner of the trailer...facing the biggest challenge of the week thus far...
Trying to concentrate amidst the smell of meatballs simmering in the crockpot next to me....
...the lure of the cupcakes and pies and pppppasta on the make-shift kitchen counter (desk beside fridge) in front of me.
And there's a turkey shivering in the cold..waiting to jump into a deep fryer....
Gawd help us all....
The fridge is full of casseroles, and pastries....
And Mrs. Jason, pastry chef in training, made us desserts described as 'orgasmic' ... they are wisely sitting in his truck. Though I wouldn't be surprised to find him hiding in his office, wearing a sheepish grin, face covered in chocolate....
I'm supposed to be putting a couple of quotes together, and preparing a submittal...and .. something else...I think....
3 hours to lunch time...
God bless our bellies!