Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm a thinker

Every once in awhile I have these revelations.  Typically they emerge from frustration, lack of instant gratification or pure laziness.  And they always start with "we need a thing to do this".

So here we are, at the end of the jar of peanut butter.  And here I am licking the peanut butter off my knuckles.  It's impossible to get the goods out from the bottom of the jar without getting the goo on your hand...unless of course, you use a bigger knife, or long handled spoon. 

But we don't have those here at work.

We have little, cheap ass plastic knives.  That incidently bend when you try to scoop the peanut butter.  So I have to use a cheap ass plastic spoon to dig out the PB and then transfer from spoon to toast with cheap ass knife.


Now I could simply bring in something more suitable.  Or perhaps chuck the last of the peanut butter and open up the new jar. 

But I am too stubborn to give up on the last bit at the bottom...mocking me...  I'm also too forgetful to bring in a real knife.

So as I was staring at the cheeky remains of PB at the bottom, it occured to me .. insert light bulb over head .. that if the bottom of the jar pushed up (like my Pampered Chef measuring cup..or a Push-Pop)...then I wouldn't be in this predicament at all! 

The evolution of the peanut butter jar begins ...


God gave me imagination, not skill.  So this brilliant idea will remain simply that.

Big Bro J-L told me I should shut up and make something, then go on that show...the Dragon's Den or whatever it's called.  You know, the big panel of snotty rich people that tell the guests how stupid they are? 

Yeah that's for me...

Besides, should you decide to develop and market something, it takes reasonable skill and planning.

And I can't remember to bring a big knife to work.

But listen...if you ever see a push up peanut butter jar on the shelves...just remember, you heard it here first!