Monday, April 5, 2010

One Step Forward and Two Steps Back

When I'm pregnant, I'm a friggin heffer....

This wide angle pic was taken the night before my fourth baby was born.  I refuse to get on the scales after I hit 200lbs...which I did 3 out of 4 pregnancies.  For someone who's a size 6..that's a lotta extra meat to be carrying around.  And let's face it...the babies are less than 10 lbs a piece...


It's not easy to do anything with all that weight...including sleep.  I couldn't lie on my belly (duh), if I laid on my back I couldn't freaking breathe and if I tried either side, my hips ached.

But we had this oversized rocking/swivel chair ( had to be oversized to fit my enormous ass), and if I pushed back just so that I was on a slight incline...I was comfortable.  Hallefrickenlujah!

So the XX (reminder...that's hubs #2) got the idea to block up the chair on that incline for me, so that I could sleep.

Brilliant right?

Not so much....

Because when you are this flippin fat your bladder gets all squished and you have to pee frequently.

As with every other blasted night...the urge to pee came when the house was black and silent...everyone fast asleep.

And here's me...reclined in the chair....unable to get out...  I can't hoist my belly over the side, the arms are too big, I can't reach the wooden block to kick it out from under, my legs are too short...and my back teeth are floatin I have to go so bad.

So I start calling for help...which eventually arrives.

Hardy harr

But isn't that a bit like life?

Things aren't easy, so you think you find a way to make yourself more comfortable, but you've overlooked the obvious.

Sometimes ya just have to bite the bullet and holler for help.

No matter how bad it is, how embarrassing...people that care will help you.

And you may end up back at square one again, but if you hang in there, keep trudging along...things will get better.

Eventually I had the baby.

And lost the weight.

S'all good.

Behave all :)

Motivational Issues

I'm trying, I'm really, really trying....

The paperwork is here...the computer is on...but my mind is in a gazillion other places.

Outside for one.

It's beautiful out there.  Light breeze blowing off the lake...warm sun...sigh....

Kinda makes trudging through dirt an okay activity.

And I'm thinking about houses by the beach, and fast cars, and McDreamy...about kids and vacation and parties...even cooking retreats and furniture.

I stare down at this fascinating list of submittal register items that needs review and I'm trying desperately to be interested.  But I'm not.


Motivational Issues.

I'm making cheesecake tonight.  :)

I need to do some as built drawings......

McDreamy is taking me for lunch tomorrow and I'm gonna take him for a wee tour of the jobsite.

I need to set up a new RFI binder....

I'm going for a cig.

This is exhausting dudes....