Before I get started..I'm going to take a deeeep breath...
And I'm going to give you a cool little cruising one does cool like Tracy Chapman, and this is my version of 'Drive'... The lyrics have nothing to do really with this ongoing issue of mine..but it is a wicked cruising song and it's just gonna have to do....
I know that God created us all as unique individuals. We all see things from different perspectives, we react differently to different situations....we think differently.
Drink of coffee....another breath....
Awe ta hell with it...why am I being's my damn blog!!!
I just wish that people would execute their God given choice to utilize their brains to full capacity.
Honestly, I don't care what one does on their own time, when it afffects no one but themselves....
....but these people go out in public....and what's worse, they operate vehicles.
Let's talk 3 lane highways. The middle lane is for trucks, vehicles doing the speed limit...reasonable type folk. The lane to the right..also known as the slow for slower vehicles, and merging traffic. The lane to the far left, also known as the FAST for (pay attention now) FASTER VEHICLES AND PASSING. That's P.A.S.S.I.N.G.
I am sooo flipping tired of the feeble minded morons that putt along in the fast lane for no particular reason at all. Is the concrete prettier to them? Did something shiny attract them there??? Do they get their rights and lefts mixed up???
Gawd help me I'm going to go crazy one of these days.
It's usually the slowest, most aggrevating people that do this...and they loooove to block you in so you can't go around...or speed up when you try to pass them....and they always, always, always decide to enter the fast line right in front of ME..........not to pass someone in front of THEM..........ohhhhh noooooo.............just because, because they are freaks of nature!!!!
Lucky for these douchebags, I am passive aggressive. I prefer to shoot my mouth of in the isolation of my vehicle...
I do wish there was a thing for this. I'm thinking some kind of roll down sign you hang from the inside of your car... Hit a button and a sign unfolds, displaying your current thoughts out the rear window for the asswipe behind you. It would have to be digital so you could change it up once in awhile.
I'd say things like "MOVE OVER IF YOU AREN'T PASSING" or maybe "ASSHOLE" or "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU" would probably depend on how long I was stuck behind some jerk and how mad I got...whatevs...
Actually I'm probably too much of a chicken...would worry that the driver was some psycho that would chase me down and shoot my sorry ass....
But it's fun to think about being tough and rebellious.