Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday at LilVic's

This morning I hopped out of bed...

Okay, more like, woke suddenly to see Saminator's big blue eyes hovering 2 inches from my face.  He wanted me to turn the Wii on.

Funny how a good night's sleep can put a new perspective on things.  I wasn't as irritated with Bell Canada anymore..at least not irritated enough to sick my boys on them.  So I called.  And waited on hold for 10 mins listening to bad music through my crackly cordless land line.  Must get new one someday.

Emily chirped something about the call being recorded for quality purposes at some point, and I made a mental note to be nice.

Finally, the click of connection...only...no one saying hello...  so I said hello...but no one answered.  One would think that if employed by the largest communication company in Canada, they should know when they have an open line or not.  Apparently this was not the case.  I had the pleasure of listening to 2 male customer service representatives and one female rep discuss their weight and what the BMI index had to say about them.  In fact, the female is 43 years old and weighs 182lbs and can't believe she's considered obese.  Oh honey....

And in the meantime, as amusing as this may be, I really don't give a shit how fat your ass is but I AM pissed that anyone is sitting on hold while you bitch about your body mass index.  Put your fucking donut down and answer the phone!

Here's the thing...I finally DID get buddy's attention when I very loudly said that I couldn't believe these dumb asses were talking about their weight with a client on the phone.  It suddenly got quiet...then I heard the click of disconnect.

Now that was just plain stupid.  Don't they know some people are shit disturbers by nature?  Really...why get angry at this point...I feel a mission coming on...  Somebody needs to haul the bullshit outta the barn and I have a little time on my hands....

So I call back.  My first thought was to ask for a manager...but really, who is to say that I will be transferred to an actual manager?  (One day I will tell you about the fun I had making things change with the Family Responsibility Office....after a rude attendant transferred me to her girlfriend when I asked for a manager).   I decide to Google the Bell Canada Executive team.  It's really very easy to get names these days, especially those working for corporate giants.

See, I'm going to be nice to the person that finally answers my call...after all, I need them to fix my immediate problem with the Blackberry.  Never bite the hand that feeds you .. so to speak.

A nervous sounding young man answered the phone and I never said a word other than to relay the message the technician gave me last night.  I was off the phone in 5 minutes and my internet was up and running within 15.  Miracle of miracles.


Now, I'm gonna write me a little letter.  And I'm gonna email it AND mail it to each and every executive member on that team.  I'll probably be singing while I'm hitting send.

Cause I'm like that.

No worries....you know I'll share the response I get. :)
