Monday, January 18, 2010

Speaking Canadian eh?

People are people are people...and what insults one, is funny to another.

When my friend from England was over for a visit last year, he would often lose me with his rapid fire lingo and quirky British sayings.  Now, we both speak English..but my ear was simply not tuned in to that heavy accent...  I'd get this blank look on my face and he'd say 'ye didn't gitta word didja luv'...and then me...uhhh no...could ya try again but slower...or try that again in Canadian please?  And we'd laugh.

A gentlemen of Eastern decent was on the phone with me at work..and I couldn't understand a word he said, he accent was so heavy.  The more I asked him to repeat himself, the more agitated he became and the heavier his accent became.  I apologized, and told him that his accent was very heavy and asked him to speak a little slower, and he quipped one word answers..which I understood.  He hung up with me and called my coworker to complain that I was racist.  WTF...

I suppose we disagree on the definition of racism...what can I say...

Now we all know in the English language there are many words that sound the same but have different meanings.  It's been a long time since grade school..but I think that's called a homonym...right?  Whatevs...

The introduction of different languages puts quite a spin on this..and the outcome can be hilarious...

I took this picture on my home from work on Friday....

I wonder how good business is?


I'm gonna grab my tuque and head out for a beer eh...and any of you hosers that don't laugh can take off eh...